Is It Time To Update Your School Marketing Photos?

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Is It Time To Update Your School Marketing Photos?

It’s that time of year again when schools and nurseries are starting to plan their marketing and advertising for the upcoming year.

We know you’re very busy with so much to do, but we wanted to throw one more thing into the mix. Photos. When was the last time your school marketing photos were taken, and do they still accurately reflect your school? If not, it might be time for an update.

Not sure? Here are 3 things to think about.

School Photographer

Prospectus Reality Check

Most schools rely heavily on their prospectus, both online and in print, to attract new students and families. So, it’s pretty important that the prospectus kept is up to date and features accurate information.

One of the most important parts of a prospectus is the photos. Families want to see what the school looks like, both inside and out. They want to see happy students and teachers in a well-maintained learning environment. If a school’s prospectus features outdated or poor-quality photos, it’s likely to put families off from enrolling their children and make them send their kids off to another school instead.

It’s not just photos of the school building and grounds that are important, but also action shots and images of what makes your school unique. These all help to give a realistic impression of what life at the school is like. Parents want to see that their children will be happy and engaged in their learning – so give them the chance to imagine their children enjoying life at your school or nursery.

If your prospectus is a bit old or out of date, it might be time to refresh it. After all, it could make all the difference in attracting new students.

Woeful Websites

Believe it or not, your school website shouldn’t stay the same all the time. On top of all the updates and information you supply, you should also be updating your images. While there’s no hard and fast rule on how often you should do that, a good general guideline is to update your school website photos at least once a year. Of course, you’ll want to update the photos more often if there are significant changes at your school.

If you add a new building or make major renovations, you’ll want to update your website photos to reflect the changes. Or, for example, we recently worked with a prep school that had changed from being boys-only to mixed-gender, which meant they needed a whole range of new photos that included girls as well!

There’s also a hidden benefit to updating your website photos regularly. A blog is a fab addition, as Google loves fresh content, and refreshing your photos gives your SEO a significant boost. It also allows you to add keywords into the alt text tag for each photo, which makes it more likely your pictures (and therefore website) will turn up on page 1 of Google. So you can really make that investment work for you! Of course, that might be all gobbledygook to you, but a quick chat with us and we’ll help fill you in on the amazing power of great photos in your marketing.

Showcase Your USP

While there is a curriculum you may have to follow, no two schools are the same. In fact, many schools have a USP they like to focus on, which means your photographs should be geared towards showing that off. So get creative with your photos and use them to tell your school’s story!

A well-crafted photo series can highlight your school’s values, mission, and approach in a way that words alone just can’t. So, if your school is known for academic prowess, your photos should show engaged, hardworking students. If it’s known for excelling at sports, images of students involved in different sports, teams and general activity would be a better fit. Or if the school is especially proud of its pastoral care, are there plenty of photos showing the children interacting with teachers and fellow pupils?

When it comes to marketing your school, photos can be a powerful tool. Use them wisely across your website, social media accounts and on printed materials, and you’ll be sure to make a lasting impression.

At Smiles At School we specialise in helping your school tell a story with fantastic photos. Stop competing for students, and instead create a marketing strategy that brings them to you. From promotional photography to in-school displays, yearbooks and website images, we can help your school stand out.

If you’d like to know more about our school and nursery marketing services, just get in touch with the team today.

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